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Clover Meadows, LLC
Purebred Targhee Sheep
Purebred Targhee ewes lamb between late March and early May and are weaned at 120 days. Lambs are grass-fed plus some supplemental grains. The top rams and ewes are kept for replacements or sale as purebred breeding stock. The rest are sold as market lambs at auction or by private treaty. The flock is certified B OVIS free annually. All breeding sheep are codon tested for scrapies susceptibility and are either RR or QR. All rams are semen tested prior to sale.

Targhee Ewes, September, 2022
Cal & Julie participate in the National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP) and keep records to provide genetic information in the rams and ewes. Estimated breeding values (EBV) are calculations for birth weight, wean weight, yearling weight, wool characteristics, loin ultrasound measurements, and number of lambs born. The USA range index combines these traits into one index. For more information, visit NSIP.org
Call (406) 596-0668
or complete the form below to purchase Purebred Targhee Sheep by Private Treaty